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开发者_开发百科Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this questionWhat have you found to be the best way to document (put comments on) a complex ORM query, specifically a LINQ to EF query or an nHibernate criteria query?
Unit tests or specifications against the service layer.
public void ItemsForBill_returns_expected_items_with_explicit_customer_id()
var customer = new Customer { Id = new Guid("{AB2F33FA-92E0-4B7C-8720-901CD9918796}") };
var expectedItemId = new Guid("{B1493898-A832-4D83-A134-77790673A6D6}");
var start = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);
var stop = new DateTime(2010, 1, 31);
var items = new[]
new Item
Description = "Date out of range",
ItemDate = new DateTime(2010, 2, 10),
Payer = customer,
PayerCustomerId = customer.Id
new Item
Description = "Should be included",
Id = expectedItemId,
ItemDate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 10),
Payer = customer,
PayerCustomerId = customer.Id
new Item
Description = "Wrong payer",
ItemDate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 10),
Payer = new Customer()
var uow = new FakeBillingUnitOfWork();
var activity = new SelectItemsForBillingRun();
var input = new BillingRun
OneCustomerId = customer.Id,
Start = start,
Stop = stop
var result = activity.ItemsForBillingRun(uow, input);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count());
var returned = result.Single();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedItemId, returned.Id);