I'm using send_dbmail to send a text message to customers. This is the following sql:
exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@body='check out this url https://www.someurl.com/directory/blah.aspx',
@subject='I am the subject!'
The body gets truncated to "check out this url https://www.someurl.com/directory/blah.as" (the "px" is removed from the end of the url).
I've ruled out message length as I have tried sending just "www.google.com/test.aspx" and the "px" is removed as well. Another strange thing, when I try forwarding the text message to myself and add the "px" back on myself, it works. It also works if I send a email fr开发者_JAVA百科om outlook with the same body.
Any ideas?
Seems strange. Have you tried passing unicode strings, i.e. N'check out this url ....', or silly suggestion, have you tried padding the end of your string with a few whitespace characters, or perhaps a few whitespace characters followed by a period? What happens if the body text doesn't end in .aspx, but ends in anything else such as "this is a test", etc.?