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Closed 10 years ago.
Improve this questionI have drawn something in inkscape and it looks great. I resize the image to the size I want and then export it as a Bitmap. The result has very poor quality, looking like no anti-alias has been applied to it, all edges are jazzy.
All the images are vectors, and I resize them to fit Android screen resolutions. I had the impression that if I use inkscape I will be able to scale and export images and mantain great quality. I attach an image to see the jazzy lines.
How can I improve this export ?
I would actually export it as a SVG open it with Gimp, do additional stuff if required and then save it as a PNG using Gimps save for web function.
Have you tried this plugins?
It have worked pretty well for me:
The problem about the conversion of vector graphics to pixel based file is explained there.