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Closed 10 years ago.
Improve this questionI would like to use the Perl Catalyst Framework on a Shared Hosting Service, but I don't know if there are any that do support it. Are there minimum requirements in order to be able to run a catalyst app?
Any help is appreciated.
- Perl 5.8.4: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Runtime/META.yml
- Catalyst::Runtime and its dependencies: http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Catalyst::Runtime
- a Web server: http://wiki.catalystframework.org/wiki/deployment
Or trade money for time and convenience and pick a managed hosting provider: http://wiki.catalystframework.org/wiki/hosting
We had a demo of deploying a perl app (it wasn't Catalyst based, but that's neither here nor there) to DotCloud at our local Perl Mongers' meeting a couple of weeks ago. Deploying a Catalyst app was discussed, and there's certainly no technical impediment. My situation is similar to yours, but my app is not quite ready for deployment.
I have now successfully deployed my Catalyst app on dotcloud, and have been quite pleased with the results. It's been running there now for a couple of weeks, and I have found the dotcloud environment quite easy to work with, as far as pushing new code, restarting the service and so on is concerned. There is official documentation, and a Catalyst-specific walk-through.
More recently, Phillip Smith has recently written an updated, Catalyst-specific guide.
Dreamhost have a good hosting where you can install Catalyst and whatever you want. Basically you need an account, a 'shell' user type and a registered domain. With this items you can access the server through ssh tunnel and install the Catalyst packages.
Dotcloud is awesome.
I've just bought a Webfusion VPS (I'm working there so I figured some inside knowledge might be available).
Running up perlbrew, cpanm and my Cat app (which had a good Makefile.PL) was trivial. Getting nginx to play nicely has been harder.