I have 开发者_如何学Csmall script running on "google.com/*" using Greasemonkey
basically my script adds a few menu items to google menu (where you can find Images Videos Maps News Shopping etc ...);this menu is inside qbar div so its look like:
<div id="gbar"> ...menu code ... </div>
the next line in my script works fine if you go to google webpage (www.google.com):
var gbar = var gbar = document.getElementById("gbar");
if (qbar != null) alert("qbar exist!");
else alert("qbar is null");
this code alert qbar as exist which is good.
now if i look for anyword in google for example search for "madman" will get you to this page:
now the script still running only now it alert "gbar is null"
I think the reason is that the script is running before the gbar element get created on the page. which is weird cuz i was sure the grease monkey script runs only when all content finished loading.
You can set up a DOM mutation event. Basically, here are the steps:
Do a initial search
and process it if found.Set up a DOMNodeInserted event handler on the document.
- If the inserted element has
then you know that gbar is inserted. - If not, search inside the inserted element for an element with
and process it if found.
- If the inserted element has
You can see a working example code. It adds 5 exclaimation marks when a gbar
is added to the document.