When I execut the sql direct it returns 4 records. when I execute the oraCommand.Execute
the oraResults
object shows only 1 record returned it should have a count of 4.
Hence I can get the value and name for the single record. Question is how do I get the other 3 rec开发者_开发问答ords? I have tried set oraResults=oraResults.NextRecordSet()
and I get error saying not supported!
Any help will appreciated.
This is the snippet of the code:
set oraCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
'set connection and sql statement
set oraCommand.ActiveConnection = oraConnection
oraCommand.CommandText =oraSQLStatement
oraCommand.CommandType = 1 ' commandText
oraCommand.Prepared = True
set oraResults = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'run the sql
set oraResults = oraCommand.Execute
oraResults.Fields(0).Name - Name from first record is returned
oraResults.Fields(0)>Value - Value from first record is returned
Try something like this: loop through the oraResults recordset and read the records:
Do until oraResults.EOF
Response.Write oraResults("firstFieldName")
Response.Write oraResults("secondFieldName")
Here's a link that might help.