i've searched and read many articles and looked at the GKTank apple sample (can't see any specifics about my problem, seems to process events as they occur) but i can't see a sample or tutorial that seems to answer the following
in a multiplayer game over bluetooth/internet (maybe) how do you synchronise player interactions so that the correct game outcome occurs taking into account latency etc ...
for example:
A button is displayed to each player A & B on two separate devices connected via bluetooth
Player A presses the button (Player A is hosting the game and so latency is not an issue) Player B presses the button just before Player A but his connection to Player A's device has at least a 200ms network latency
problem: the game needs to know Player B pressed first even though Player A's touch request would reach the game code first - i.e. no advantage to the hosting player.
i know the touch event has the timestamp and so i could ensure that the actual time of the press was sent from Player B to the game code... but not sure if thats the righ开发者_开发问答t approach and if it is where to go from there..
i expect the answer lies in some game time cycle where touches aren't processed immediately but within a game cycle...
any help on this or pointers to tutorial or specific source code that handles this would be appreciated.
You might want to ask this question on https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/ , as it's a general question about multiplayer lag or latency, and not particularly specific to the iPhone.
You might be able to use timestamps to order the action messages. I think iPhones are synchronized to a date time server maintained by AT&T.
Well I have no actual experience with creating multiplayer games. But as is the case with most game developement questions, I suppose there is no wrong or right, so some logic thinking should do the trick.
Here are some thoughts you might want to consider:
- Even if no latency is occuring on Player A's device, you'll have to introduce some to compensate for player B (and vice versa, since from Player B's point of view Player A is late too)
- Thus, you'll need to introduce some kind of a "command stack" to buffer input from both players and execute the commands once both Players had the opportunity to contribute their inputs for a given point in gametime
- You may want to introduce ping commands to measure the actual latency from time to time
- Only one Device (the host) should be measuring the latency and announce it to the client
- Based on the measured latency, calculate a time offset (relative to the hosts time) or delay for the commands in the stack (use the latency to convert Player B's timestamps to "local" time)
- Keep the delay dynamic if possible, to compensate for varying latency (keep measuring latency throughout the session
- If the actual latency peaks beyond the calculated one, commands from Player B may be put onto the stack late - make sure they will be executed anyway (lag may be experienced at this point)
- You'll actually need two "layers" - the input layer, which exchanges, buffers and synchronizes the actual input, and a game layer, which receives the delayed commands from the input layer
So far, my 2 cents ;-)