I received my new computer friday and after moving over all of my development projects, my Eclipse "hover" popups have quit working. What I mean is usually when I hover over an element/method/etc... , a small window with the javado开发者_运维知识库c info will pop up telling me parameters, and a description of the method. Now it just says:
Note: The Javadoc for this element could neither be found in the attached source nor the attached Javadoc.
I've already seen this SO post and tried it. Although I will say there are 15 different packages when you go into preferences>java>installed jre's>edit. All point to an http:// address for the docs.
Also the Android documentation I installed doesn't pull up either (which is what I'm developing for).
Is this with your standard Java classes/methods/etc. or for custom/Android code? I think your problem is because of your installed JRE. You need to download the Java SE 6 SDK from here. The JDK has all of the standard Java classes' source files. Once you have it installed, in Eclipse, go to
- 'Window'->'Preferences'->'Java'->'Installed JREs'.
- Click the 'Add...' button and select 'Standard VM'.
- In the 'JRE home' field put "C:\your\path\to\java\jdk1.6_xYourVersionx". It will automatically populate the 'JRE name' field and import all of the necessary jars.
- Click 'Finish' and then 'OK'.
If it's a problem with some nonstandard Java code, make sure that you've downloaded the source code. Then,
- Right-click on your project and go to 'Build Path'->'Configure Build Path...'.
- Select the 'Libraries' tab and expand the entry for your jar file. There should be a sub-entry 'Source attachment: (None)'.
- Select it and click the 'Edit...' button and put in your path to the source code.
- Click 'OK' and 'OK'.
NOTE: If you've already installed the JDK, you can edit your current JRE to point to the jdk folder instead of the jre folder i.e. "C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_xx" instead of "C:\Java\jre6".
2nd NOTE: Your bit version of Java must match your bit version of Eclipse, so 32-bit Eclipse requires a 32-bit Java, etc.