I've got an HTML5 video embedded in a page that's set for autoplay on load. When a menu is toggled, it is hidden and a series of images take its place. When the menu is put closed, the video returns. It was recommended that I stop the video while it's hidden and resume it once i开发者_Python百科t's back to conserve resources, which I'd like to do, but stop and restart (instead of resume).
Any suggestions? I know it's a grey area.
<div id="content">
<video id="vid_home" width="780" height="520" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop">
<source src="Video/fernando.m4v" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="Video/fernando.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
Your browser does not support this video's playback.
<img id="img_home" src="Images/home.jpg" alt="Fernando Garibay />
// Navigation hover image preview
$('#img_home').css('display', 'none');
$('#vid_home').fadeOut(600, function(){
$('#img_home').attr('src', 'Images/music.jpg');
$('#img_home').attr('src', 'Images/photos.jpg');
$('#img_home').attr('src', 'Images/biography.jpg');
$('#img_home').attr('src', 'Images/discography.jpg');
$('#img_home').attr('src', 'Images/contact.jpg');
$('#img_home').attr('src', 'Images/blog.png');
// Navigation hover image leave
$('#img_home').fadeOut(400, function(){
You need to call pause
and play
on the DOM elements, which will probably look something like this:
$('#vid_home').fadeOut(600, function(){
}).get(0).pause(); // pause before the fade happens
$('#img_home').fadeOut(400, function(){
$('#vid_home').fadeIn(400, function() {
this.play(); // play after the fade is complete