I'd like to redefine some of the default aquamacs shortcuts.
I've tried putting this in my preferences.el fi开发者_运维百科le:
(global-unset-key (kbd "A-l"))
(global-set-key (kbd "A-l") 'forward char)
but it doesn't change the behavior of CMD-l
check the key descriptor as JF Sebastian said. But there is another typo in what you have written, it should be something like:
(global-set-key [(meta l)] 'forward-char)
(I am using meta, but by default aquamacs doesn't seem to have command has meta, not sure what it is)
You can check to what the key is mapped by typing:
c-h c
and then the key combination you want to check. It will tell you in the minibuffer. You can thus check if your binding worked fine without restarting etc.