So my first day of Assembly class, and what do you know? My professor teaches everything on her Windows box, using Windows API calls, etc. which is fine except that I'm running Ubuntu on my box..
Basically, I'm hoping I can find either a workaround or some form of common-grounds in order for me to get my assignments done.
Today, our first programming assignment was to input two integers and output the sum. I followed my pr开发者_运维百科ofessor's code as follows:
.model flat
ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExiteCode:DWORD
include io.h
cr EQU 0dh
lf EQU 0ah
.stack 4096
szPrompt1 BYTE "Enter first number: ", 0
szPrompt2 BYTE "Enter second number: ", 0
zLabel1 BYTE cr, lf, "The sum is "
dwNumber1 DWORD ? ; numbers to be added
dwNumber2 DWORD ?
szString BYTE 40 DUP (?) ; input string for numbers
szSum BYTE 12 DUP (0) ; sum in string form
szNewline BYTE cr,lf,0
.code ; start of main program code
output szPrompt1 ; prompt for ?rst number
input szString,40 ; read ASCII characters
atod szString ; convert to integer
mov dwNumber1,eax ; store in memory
output szPrompt2 ; repeat for second number
input szString,40
atod szString
mov dwNumber2,eax
mov eax,dwNumber1 ; first number to EAX
add eax,dwNumber2 ; add second number
dtoa szSum,eax ; convert to ASCII characters
output szLabel1 ; output label and results
output szSum
output szNewline
INVOKE ExitProcess,0 ; exit with return code 0
PUBLIC _start ; make entry point public
END ; end of source code
Simple and straightforward enough, yeah? So I turned it in today all linked up from the crappy school computers. And I completely understand all the concepts involved, however, I see 2 main issues here for if I actually want to assemble it on my box:
.model flat
2) ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExiteCode:DWORD
Both of which I've heard are very Windows-specific. So my question is how can I mutate this code to be able to assemble on Linux?
Sorry If I'm missing any details, but I'll let you know if you need.
Assembly code is, generally speaking, almost always platform specific. Indeed, the very syntax varies between assemblers, even within the same hardware and OS platform!
You'll also probably have problems with that io.h
there - I would bet it's making a lot of calls into win32 APIs.
I would recommend simply using wine, along with a copy of whatever assembler your professor is using, to run your professor's examples. If it can run things like Microsoft Office and Steam, it can certainly run some trivial example code :)