This is a multi-part question to SO folks before I engage more with core team.
Summary: On OS X, pdfs should be created using quartz, not postscript. Files are smaller, anti-aliased better, OS fonts including opentype are readily available, encoding is less painful, overall I think it’s a better device. On other platforms, it would be reasonable to use cairo, again a more modern pdf-writing device.
Consider the behavior of the png() device. Although it is allegedly slated to move out of x11.R, it handles c("cairo", "Xlib", "quartz") with a default (options("bitmapType")) set by zzz.R (quartz if capabilities("aqua"), cairo if available, Xlib otherwise). PDF needs to behave the same way, so that in Sweave (or babel or whatever) my pdf figures can be generated using the appropriate device.
My Sweave png patch works because png() takes care of getting the device option. An earlier version of the patch (which I still use) flips the device in Sweave, but I was smacked down for this and I know it’s sort of the wrong the place to do it.
I don't think you'd need to implement a device driver. Mostly it sounds like you want to alias pdf() so that it calls quartz() or cairo() as appropriate. The quartz() device already supports PDF output to a file (among others) on OS X.
For your own personal use (I doubt this would find its way into core) you could just alias pdf() to take the appropriate action on each of your platforms and bring it in as a package or in your Rprofile.
pdf.orig = pdf
pdf = function(...) {
// Insert code here