Let me get straight to the point :). In my project I'm rendering an template, with jquery-tmpl, like this:
box = $.tmpl('<div> [....] <button></button> [....] </div>')
If I insert box
in the DOM, nice JQuery buttons show up. According to the DOM (inspected with Chrome) the buttons
have already been converted to jquery-ui
The question: I want to modify these buttons, but - after trying for two hours - I can't figure out how to. I figured
$('button', box).button({'icons' : {'primary' : 'icon name'}})
for example, would do the trick, but it doesn't. How do I modify my buttons?
jQueryUI generally follows a pattern of updating widgets after they've been initialized on DOM elements:
$("#foo").button("option", "optionname", value);
So to update the button's icon after init, you'd do this:
$("button", box).button("option", "icons", {primary:'icon-name'});