I have a django app running on http://djangohost/appaddress
. I'd like the 开发者_如何转开发project to be available at http://differentaddress/app
. Currently I'm able to run app at the desired address but using {% url %}
templatetags gives me improper address in the form http://differentaddress/app/appaddress
. Also when I go to django app address directly all {% url %}
links are in the form http://djangohost/app/appadress
How can I change this ? I have these entrances in apache conf :
ProxyPass /app/ http://djangohost/appaddress/
ProxyPassReverse /app/ http://djangohost/appaddress/
You'll probably have to tell Django where it is running by manipulating SCRIPT_NAME
Or, if you want to keep things within Apache, you may give a try to mod_proxy_html - disclaimer: haven't used it myself, but it does claim to rewrite links in HTML pages
Maybe not a proper solution but still some workaround for the problem without interfering with apache's settings. Tested with mod_msgi and it works like a charm. Here's the link : http://fromzerotocodehero.blogspot.com/2011/01/using-proxypass-with-django-project.html . Basically I've overriden built in url function here creating custom urlc temlpatetag. In tag's code I've added line replacing first occurence of unwanted app name with empty sign.
So you want to "mount" a Django site on a sub URL path? I already tried this with Apache and mod_proxy, and it was kind of a nightmare to find out. Here's what I have come up with (probably not complete or perfect):
# In your scenario
# End of settings
_prefix = (FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME or "")
Obviously, this prepends "/app/" to the most important hardcoded site URLs, plus it sets FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME
to ensure that {% url something %}
will result in an absolute URL of "/app/something", for instance.
This worked for me using mod_wsgi for the Django site and ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse for the "mounting". Try it out and give me feedback, I'm interested whether this is a general solution.