I had a problem with scraping a site http://www.weather.bm/radarMobile.asp, Fatherstorm gave me a great solution but it had some minor bugs in regards to start time and number of images source sometimes gives 9 or 10 but the code was set to ten.
On the other hand one person (marcog) gave me this answer:
"A simple search through for the line containing radarFileNames = new Array will return this line. Then you can extract the URLs with two
s: first on\(|\)
, then split the second token on', '
. Finally, prefixhttp://www.weather.bm/
to the URLs."
I was hoping if someone can show me the code he was talking about. I like to learn this kind of stuff but I just don't have someone to teach me. I hope you guys could help
javascript array:
radarFileNames = new Arra(
also would it be possible to output the img inside ul li /li /ul which has it own class (ul class li class)
Im also using simple html dom parser but I can't get the images only the loaded images is outputed
here is the sample using fatherstorm code http://j2sdesign.com/rgw/article/20101222/NEWS01/712229951/0/example/r1.php
my code from fatherstorm
$localOffset = "+2 Hours"; //change this to your local offset from the image times you need. for me it's 1 hours.....
$start = strtotime("-100 Minutes " . $localOffset); // go back 90 minutes (The limit of the available images)
$start = ($start - ($start % (600)) + (60 * 6)); //go to the next earlier 6 minute mark (all images appear to be at the 6 minute mark))
for ($x = 1; $x <= 10; $x++) {
$DateTime = date("Y-m-d-Hi", $start); // set the image time we want.
$fName开发者_如何学Python = ("http://www.weather.bm/images/Radar/CurrentRadarAnimation_100km_sri/100km_sri-radar-$DateTime.jpg"); // set the filename
echo" <center>$DateTime</center> <img class='radarImg' src='$fName' alt='$fName' title='$fName'/><br/."; // echo (or add to a stack or variable...) your image node
$start+= ( 600); //add 10 minutes
mario do you mean like this:
$localOffset = "+2 Hours"; //change this to your local offset from the image times you need. for me it's 1 hours.....
$start = strtotime("-100 Minutes " . $localOffset); // go back 90 minutes (The limit of the available images)
$start = ($start - ($start % (600)) + (60 * 6)); //go to the next earlier 6 minute mark (all images appear to be at the 6 minute mark))
for ($x = 1; $x <= 10; $x++) {
$DateTime = date("Y-m-d-Hi", $start); // set the image time we want.
$fName = ("http://www.weather.bm/images/Radar/CurrentRadarAnimation_100km_sri/100km_sri-radar-$DateTime.jpg"); // set the filename
echo" <center>$DateTime</center> <img class='radarImg' src='$fName' alt='$fName' title='$fName'/><br/."; // echo (or add to a stack or variable...) your image node
$start+= ( 600); //add 10 minutes
$html = file_get_contents('http://www.weather.bm/radarMobile.asp'); preg_match('/radarFileNames = new Array\((.+?)\);/ims', $html, $m); $files = explode(",", $m[1]);
Read the PHP manual on regular expressions. In this case it's as simple as:
$html = file_get_contents('http://www.weather.bm/radarMobile.asp');
preg_match('/radarFileNames = new Array\((.+?)\);/ims', $html, $m);
$files = explode(",", $m[1]);
// then output <img>s
The explode() is easier here than preg_split. But then requires a trim()
on each filename in the array, and a second trim($filename, "'")
to get rid of the enclosing quotes.
Try this:
//not tested
var len=radarFileNames.length, links='';
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var links = links + '<a href="radarFileNames[i]">'+radarFileNames[i] + '</a>';
document.getElementById("some_id").innerHTML = links;