I am using a multi form model. A $model array is passed 开发者_JAVA技巧to the view and for each model object I am trying to have a text field and it works fine this way. See the code below.
foreach ($model as $f=>$edu):
echo $form->textField($edu,"[$f]schoolname",array('size'=>30,'maxlength'=>128));
I am trying to have an autocomplete text field coded replacing the activeform text field. It is not working. Any ideas how to make this work.See the code below.
foreach ($model as $f=>$edu): $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAutoComplete', array( 'model'=>$edu, 'attribute'=>"[$f]schoolname", 'source'=>$this->createUrl('AutoComplete/acschoolname'), // additional javascript options for the autocomplete plugin 'options'=>array('showAnim'=>'fold',), 'htmlOptions'=>array('size'=>'30','maxlength'=>'128',) ));
This appears to be a bug in Yii. Tabular form input is broken with widgets.
A workaround was posted in the Yii forums. I haven't tested it, but it's reported to work:
Baiscally, around Line 82 in CJuiAutoComplete.php, comment out the following lines:
To make sure you are not modifying the Yii core and breaking upgrades, I would copy CJuiAutoComplete.php in to your /components folder and rename it MyJuiAutoComplete or something, and call that instead of CJuiAutoComplete.
Good luck!