I created a dojo chart using;
var pieChart = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("pieChart");
Afterwards I want to update/destroy this chart. SO I do;
var pieChart = d开发者_如何学JAVAojo.byId("pieChart");
This seems to be not functional. Am I doing something wrong here?
I ran into this same problem, where I created the chart in one place and then wanted to destroy it in another, but I didn't have a reference to the chart object. The only solution I found is to empty the DOM node you used to make the chart:
As you're using dojox so dojo.byId will not return javascript object try using dijit.byId I think it'll work as suggested below:
var pieChart = dijit.byId("pieChart"); pieChart.destroy();
the same problem I was facing with dojox.form.BusyButton after a great effort I found this...
The second variable will reference DOM object, not the javascript object that store chart object.
var pieChart = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("pieChart");
pieChartDom = dojo.byId("pieChart"); //you cannot destroy,
pieChart.destroy(); //you can destroy, this is original variable
I hope it helps.