I am trying to retrieve an object attribute in Active Directory that appears to be a multi-valued string (See canonicalName). After performing a search:
var conn;
conn.Open = 'Provider=ADsDSOObject;';
var command = '<LDAP://CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com>;(&(objectcategory=crossRef)(systemFlags=3));name,nETBIOSName,nCName,canonicalName;onelevel';
var ado = new ActiveXObject('ADOD开发者_高级运维B.Command');
ado.ActiveConnection = conn;
ado.CommandText = command;
var records = ado.Execute;
and while looping through the recordset:
while (!records.Eof){
I then try and get the canonicalName:
var cn = records.Fields('canonicalName').Value;
The problem is that JavaScript doesn't intrepret cn as a string or as an array... if you look at the AD schema for the canonicalName you can see it's configured with 'isSingleValue = false' which is what I believe is causing the problem...
When stepping through the code with Visual Studio I can drill into the string value and the QuickWatch shows cn.value(0) as returning the string value. But when I type that out it doesn't work...
I have tried the usual ways to get the value without luck:
for (var i in cn) { alert(cn[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) { alert(cn[i]); }
Neither works...
How can I read the value of this object?
I know this is an older question but I figured it out and would like to share.
var ldap = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Group Name, ou=Name, dc=Domain");
var ldapArr = ldap.member.toArray();
for(var x = 0; x < ldapArr.length; x++) {
WScript.Echo(ldapArr [x]);
Hope that helps to you and anyone else banging their head over it like I have been.
Sometimes I've got the same problem: I can't iterate an object with javascript and however in vb it's done with a simple for each ...
I found a way to iterate in javascript that solved my problem. I hope it is usefull to you:
var enumCn = new Enumerator(cn);
for (; !enumCn.atEnd(); enumCn.moveNext()) {
var cnItem = enumCn.item();
... do whatever you need with cnItem...
I was using ADO Recordset for this, and thought I'd help future users passing by with this issue. It utilises the solution by Xiazer.
I'm using Internet Explorer 11 and a localhost Apache DS Explorer LDAP Server. ANd JQuery of course.
Just put this in any HTML file and open in Internet Explorer.
function GetFieldValue(objField){
var result = "";
if (objField.Value == null){
if (objField.type == 12){
var ldapArr = objField.Value.toArray();
result = ldapArr[0];
result = objField.Value;
return result;
function showUsers(){
var strAttributes, strFilter, SrchCriteria, strQuery;
strAttributes = "cn,sn,entryDN"
var ADOCommand = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Command");
var ADOConnection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var ADORecordSet = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.RecordSet");
ADOConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject";
ADOConnection.Properties("User ID") = "uid=admin,ou=system"
ADOConnection.Properties("Password") = "secret"
strDomainName = "localhost:10389/dc=mijnldap,dc=local"
strBase = "<LDAP://" + strDomainName + ">";
ADOConnection.Open("Active Directory Provider");
ADOCommand.ActiveConnection = ADOConnection;
strFilter = SrchCriteria;
strQuery = strBase + ";" + strFilter + ";" + strAttributes + ";subtree";
strQuery = strQuery;
ADOCommand.CommandText = strQuery;
ADORecordSet = ADOCommand.Execute;
console.log("Query executed");
if (ADORecordSet.RecordCount > 0) {
while (! ADORecordSet.EOF){
console.log (GetFieldValue(ADORecordSet.Fields("sn")));
console.log (GetFieldValue(ADORecordSet.Fields("cn")));
console.log (GetFieldValue(ADORecordSet.Fields("entryDN")));
} //showUsers