
How to test a mochiweb application?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-02 03:03 出处:网络
I would like to do high level testing of my mochiweb app, like it is possible to do in Python with WebTest, in Django with the test client and in Ruby on Rails with functional or integration testing.

I would like to do high level testing of my mochiweb app, like it is possible to do in Python with WebTest, in Django with the test client and in Ruby on Rails with functional or integration testing. I'm not too picky about how to do it. Basically I would just like to send or simulate HTTP requests and make assertions on the result.

I refactored my code so that my requests handler would not call Req:respond() t开发者_如何学JAVAhemselves, but return a tuple {Code, Headers, Body}. This allows me to build dummy requests with mochiweb_request:new(), pass them to my request dispatcher and make assertions on the result using EUnit:

make_request(Method, Path) ->
    Request = mochiweb_request:new(nil, Method, Path, {1, 1},
        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html"}])),
    Response = myapp:dispatch(Request),

signin_test() ->
    {Code, _, _} = make_request('GET', "/signin"),
    ?assertEqual(Code, 200),

Now my problem is how to test POST requests. I didn't find anything in mochiweb that would allow me to do that. From reading mochiweb code, it seems that when Req:parse_post() is called, it triggers a read on a socket. I found some interesting test code in src/mochiweb.erl. Apparently this involves building HTTP messages, writing them on a socket and reading the response back. I tried to do this in my own test code but I didn't manage to get anywhere after a few hours. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going in the right direction. Maybe I need to decouple even more my functionality from the HTTP plumbing, ie. not call Req:parse_post() from within my request handlers. Another solution I'm thinking of would be to use a third-party web testing library, not necessary written in Erlang. Maybe something in Ruby or Python or even maybe Selenium.

So what solution would you recommend to do functional or integration testing of a mochiweb app?

We mostly decouple our tests from the HTTP plumbing. Usually the right thing to do in a functional environment anyway.

There is some eunit code in src/mochiweb_multipart.erl that is probably more relevant to your particular use case.

i use the common test server and for testing i use ibrowse. Here is an example :

post_cap_query_no_caps(_Config) ->
A="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><query><capabilities/></query>",
{ok, "200", _C, Body}=ibrowse:send_req("http://localhost:8000/devices",  XML_CONTENT_TYPE, post, A),
"<devices/>" == Body.

Why don't you just use an http client to make the calls? I use ibrowse to system test my webmachine server, including POSTing data as needed.



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