I created a url shortener algorithm with Ruby + MongoMapper
It's a simple url shortener algorithm with max 3 digits http://pablocantero.com/###
Where each # can be [a-z] or [A-Z] or [0-9]
For this algorithm, I need to persist four attributes on MongoDB (through MongoMapper)
class ShortenerData
include MongoMapper::Document
VALUES = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + (0..9).to_a
key :col_a, Integer
key :col_b, Integer
key :col_c, Integer
key :index, Integer
I created another class to manage ShortenerData and to generate the unique identifier
class Shortener
include Singleton
def get_unique开发者_如何学Python
unique = nil
# some operations that can increment the attributes col_a, col_b, col_c and index
# ...
The Shortener usage
My doubt is how can I make get_unique synchronized, my app will be deployed on heroku, concurrent requests can call Shortener.instance.get_unique
I changed the behaviour to get the base62 id. I created an auto increment gem to MongoMapper
With the auto incremented id I encode to base62
The gem is available on GitHub https://github.com/phstc/mongomapper_id2
# app/models/movie.rb
class Movie
include MongoMapper::Document
key :title, String
# Here is the mongomapper_id2
movie = Movie.create(:title => 'Tropa de Elite')
movie.id # BSON::ObjectId('4d1d150d30f2246bc6000001')
movie.id2 # 3
movie.to_base62 # d
Short url
# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def get_short_url model
I solved the race condition with MongoDB find_and_modify http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/findAndModify+Command
model = MongoMapper.database.collection(:incrementor).
:query => {'model_name' => 'movies'},
:update => {'$inc' => {:id2 => 1}}, :new => true)
model[:id2] # returns the auto incremented_id
If this new behaviour I solved the race condition problem!
If you liked this gem, please, help to improve it. You’re welcome to make your contributions and send them as a pull request or just send me a message http://pablocantero.com/blog/contato