I've set up a site on my local machine on port 80, and can see the default document at http://localhost/ and http://localhost/de开发者_Python百科fault.aspx but when I try to view any other file/directory I get a HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized. I'm using IIS 7 and this isn't one I've ever had before. anonymous authentication is enabled, and I'm not sure what could be causing it.
You need to allow for Anonymous Authentication by going to your IIS Manager, click on the Authentication button on your application's console, Enable Anonymous Authentication and in the opening window select Application Pool identity and click OK. For more details, see this article: http://www.bloggingdeveloper.com/post/HTTP-Error-4013-Unauthorized-Error-While-creating-IIS-70-web-site-on-Windows-Vista.aspx