
DOMNodeInserted or hashchange

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-01 20:05 出处:网络
I am trying to write a JavaScript script that is \"overlayed\" on top of a Facebook page. It uses DOMContentLoaded to detect when content is loaded, then adds some extra stuff in. However, because Fac

I am trying to write a JavaScript script that is "overlayed" on top of a Facebook page. It uses DOMContentLoaded to detect when content is loaded, then adds some extra stuff in. However, because Facebook doesn't 开发者_Python百科actually "reload" the page when going to a new page (it just uses AJAX), the DOMContentLoaded handler doesn't run again, even though there is new stuff to look through.

Anyway, to detect the change, I thought about using onhashchange since Facebook used to change the page's hash, but in Firefox 4 (I need to support Firefox 3 and later with this, but no other browsers), Facebook doesn't change the hash anymore and in pre-Firefox 3.6 there is no onhashchange.

I thought about using DOMNodeInserted, but would that really slow down the page? (I really can't have any slowdowns in this script.)

you might want to monitor the windows.history object, see the following answer, on how facebook uses it to update pages: "Redirect" page without refresh (Facebook photos style)

For lightweight pages it generally doesn't have noticable effect. However, on bulky pages (I tried this on gmail) it makes that really really slow that I cannot even compose a message smoothly. And that event was added to a very simple span element which just had a single link in that. The events like DOMNodeInserted and DOMSubTreeModified are real show stoppers.

UPDATE: For all those trying to find an answer to this, note that these methods DOMNodeInserted (or DOMSubtreeModified) really had performance problems, so according to new ECMA specs it is a much faster listener : MutationObserver for doing the same thing (and more).




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