Please help me fill the question marks. I want to get a feed from my camera and to pass it to the receive function. Also in flash builder(in design mode) how do I put elements so they can play a camera feed?? Because as it seems VideoDisplay just doesn't work
public function receive(???:???):void{
//othercam is a graphic element(VideoDisplay)
othercam.??? = ????;
private function send():void{
var mycam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
//sendstr is a stream we send
//we pass mycam into receive
public function receive():void
video = new Video(put-width-here, put-height-here);
video.attachCamera(mycam); // mycam needs to be a class variable, not local to "send()";
mybitmap = new BitmapData(fill parameters here);
public function update() {
// do stuff to your bitmap here...