I have a page : Test.tml which contain a select and a component :
<t:zone t:id="zone1" t:clientId="zone1">
<form t:id="form" id="form" method="post">
<select t:type="select" t:id="simpleSelect" t:clientId="simpleSelect" t:value="simpleSelect" t:model="selectList" t:zone="zone1" />
<div t:type="SimpleTestComponent" t:id="simpleTestComponent" ></div>
In Test.java, i catch the event :
@OnEvent(value = EventConstants.VALUE_CHANGED, component = "simpleSelect")
public Object changeOnSelect(String value) {
return zone1.getBody();
which well update zone1
And i have a component which also contain a select and a zone to update; the content of the component select depend of the container select form value, so i need to update also the content of component. If i don't have a zone inside my component it works well, but it's not the case.
inside SimpleTestComponent.tml, i have :
<form t:id="form" id="form" method="post">
<select t:type="select" t:id="nameSelect" t:clientId="nameSelect" t:value="nameSelected" t:model="nameList" t:zone="zoneComponent"/>
<t:zone t:id="zoneComponent" t:clientId="zoneComponent">
and in SimpleTestComponent.java =>
@OnEvent(value = EventConstants.VALUE_CHANGED, component = "nameSelect")
public Object valueChanged() {
return zoneComponentId.getBody();
I catch the select change, and i update the value.
What i want now is to be able to also update the content of SimpleTestComponent when the select is changed from Test.tml. If i include simpleTestComponent inside zone1, i have an er开发者_开发技巧ror, about the zone inside simpleTestComponent, and i return a MultiZoneUpdate when i trigger the valueChanged event in Test.java, with zone1 and the component zone (i put a public getter on zone component), i also have an error, so what's the solution ... ?
I'm not sure to be perfectly clear, thx for reading. :)
You will need to make your embedded zone (zoneComponent) available to containing components:
public class SimpleTestComponent
public Zone getZoneComponent()
return zoneComponentId;
and then return that zone from your event handler in your Test class:
public class Test
private SimpleTestComponent simpleTestComponent;
@OnEvent(value = EventConstants.VALUE_CHANGED, component = "simpleSelect")
public Object changeOnSelect(String value)
return simpleTestComponent.getZoneComponent();