What if I want to use database to store different groups of special characters, how开发者_开发问答 do I choose which collation to use? For example, if I set collation to Croatian and want to use Russian cyrillic, japanese characters except croatian special characters - which collation should I use?
Thanks, Ilija
- You'd use nvarchar to store the data
- COLLATION defines sorting and comparing
That means you can store Croatian, Russian and Japanese in the same column.
But when you want to compare (WHERE MyColumn = @foo
) or sort (ORDER BY MyColumn
) you'll not get what you expect because of the collation.
However, you can use the COLLATE clause to change it if needed.
eg ORDER BY MyColumn COLLATE Japanese_something
I'd go for your most common option that covers most of your data. MSDN has this maybe useful article