Hi guys is there a safe way to convert a table from latin1_swedish to fully utf8?
Someone can explain me which are the steps to safely do it?
开发者_开发技巧(maybe using phpmyadmin dunno)
- Grab Sqlyog Community Edition.
- Make a backup of your database.
- Press F6 on the tables you need to edit.
- Disable the "Hide Language Options" checkmark in the bottom right if needed.
- Change the
as needed.
I am not sure of any specific pitfalls in changing to/from utf8, but the backup should serve you well should anything go wrong.
I assume latin1_swedish_ci is default collation of your database server. In such case i use the following collations:
- Database: defaults (latin1 & latin1_swedish_ci)
- Table: defaults (latin1 & latin1_swedish_ci)
- Column: utf8 & utf8_unicode_ci whenever needed defaults (latin1 & latin1_swedish_ci) otherwise.
There can be number of solutions to this problem, but the following solution worked for me in some worst case scenarios too.
- Copy the structure to new table.
- Change the charset & collation of table fields to utf8 & utf8_unicode_ci respectively as needed.
Fill the new table with data in old table, using CONVERT.
--Copy table structure
CREATE TABLE `table_name` LIKE `old_table_name`;
--Change collations as you like
ALTER TABLE `table_name`
CHANGE `column_name1` `column_name1` VARCHAR( 100 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL,
CHANGE `column_name2` `column_name2` VARCHAR( 100 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL;
-- Import the data
INSERT INTO `table_name` (`id`,`column_name1`,`column_name2`,`column_name3`)
SELECT `id`,
CONVERT(CONVERT(_latin1 `column_name1` USING binary) USING utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci,
CONVERT(CONVERT(_latin1 `column_name2` USING binary) USING utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci,
FROM `old_table_name`