I have this great pyodbc lib. I try the code below, it supposed to insert a row and return the row id but it didn't work. by the way I'm using sql server 2005 on server and client is windows os
con = pyodbc.connect('conectionString', autocommit = True)
cur = con.execute(
"insert into sometable values('something');
select scope_identity() as id"
for id in cur:
print id
some i开发者_如何学运维dea?
Try this, one statement with the OUTPUT clause
cur = con.execute(
"insert into sometable OUTPUT INSERTED.idcolumn values('something')"
row = cur.fetchone()
lastrowid = row[0]
Edit: This should get around the issue commented by Joe S.
Using SCOPE_IDENTITY() is the way to go as there are limitations and quirks using OUTPUT and @@IDENTITY because of triggers.
Using your code snipped, you just need to add a call to nextset to get the id.
con = pyodbc.connect('conectionString', autocommit = True)
cur = con.execute(
"insert into sometable values('something');
select scope_identity() as id"
for id in cur:
print id