
"main" function in Lua?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-01 03:59 出处:网络
In python, one would usually define a main function, in order to allow the script to be used as module (if needed):

In python, one would usually define a main function, in order to allow the script to be used as module (if needed):

def main():
    print("Hello world")
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

In Lua, the idiom if __name__ == "__main__" isn't possible as such (that means, I don't think it is).

That's what I'm usually doing in order to have a similar behaviour in Lua:

    print("Hello world")开发者_如何学运维
    return 0

... But this approach seems rather "heavy on parentheses" :-)

Is there a more common approach (besides defining a global main function, which seems redundant)?

There's no "proper" way to do this, since Lua doesn't really distinguish code by where it came from, they are all just functions. That said, this at least seems to work in Lua 5.1:

matthew@silver:~$ cat hybrid.lua 
if pcall(getfenv, 4) then
    print("Main file")
matthew@silver:~$ lua hybrid.lua 
Main file
matthew@silver:~$ lua -lhybrid
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> ^C
matthew@silver:~$ lua
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> require "hybrid"
> ^C

It works by checking whether the stack depth is greater than 3 (the normal depth for a file in the stock Lua interpreter). This test may break between Lua versions though, and even in any embedded/custom Lua builds.

I'll also include this (slightly more portable) alternative, although it's taking an even greater leap in heuristics, and has a failure case (see below):

matthew@silver:~$ cat hybrid2.lua 
function is_main(_arg, ...)
    local n_arg = _arg and #_arg or 0;
    if n_arg == select("#", ...) then
        for i=1,n_arg do
            if _arg[i] ~= select(i, ...) then
                print(_arg[i], "does not match", (select(i, ...)))
                return false;
        return true;
    return false;

if is_main(arg, ...) then
    print("Main file");
matthew@silver:~$ lua hybrid2.lua 
Main file
matthew@silver:~$ lua -lhybrid2
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> ^C
matthew@silver:~$ lua 
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> require "hybrid2"

This one works by comparing the contents of _G.arg with the contents of '...'. In the main chunk they will always be the same. In a module _G.arg will still contain the command-line arguments, but '...' will contain the module name passed to require(). I suspect this is closer to the better solution for you, given that you know your module name. The bug in this code lies when the user executes the main script with 1 argument, and this is the exact name of your module:

matthew@silver:~$ lua -i hybrid2.lua hybrid2
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
Main file
> require "hybrid2"
Main file

Given the above I hope at least you know where you stand, even if it isn't exactly what you had in mind :)

Update: For a version of hybrid.lua that works in Lua 5.1 and 5.2, you can replace getfenv with debug.getlocal:

if pcall(debug.getlocal, 4, 1) then
    print("Main file")

you could try to check if the module has been required.

from documentation:

package.loaded A table used by require to control which modules are already loaded. When you require a module modname and package.loaded[modname] is not false, require simply returns the value stored there.

With this you could write:

if not package.loaded['modulename'] then

When Lua requires a module, it passes it the name it's been required with as varargs (...).

So, if your script doesn't intend to take any arguments (from the command line or otherwise), you can use something like

if ... then
  return this_mod --module case
  main() --main case

Note, however, that this isn't foolproof in the (entirely) possible case that you take arguments. However, at this point, you can combine this with Lukasz's answer to get:

if not package.loaded[...] then
  --main case
else --module case

Still not perfect (for instance, if the script is called with a first argument of string or the name of some other already-loaded module), but likely good enough. In other situations, I defer to MattJ's answer.

What's wrong with this:

$ cat aa.lua

if (arg ~= nil and arg[-1] ~= nil) then
    print "main"
    print "library"
$ ./aa.lua
$ ./aa.lua arg1 arg2
$ cat bb.lua

print("in bb")
$ lua -laa bb.lua
in bb
$ lua
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> require "aa"

I am going to suggest yet another variation, that seems to work on lua5.1 as well as lua5.2:

function is_main(offset)
    return debug.getinfo(4 + (offset or 0)) == nil

if is_main() then
    print("Main chunk!")
    print("Library chunk!")

If you do not feel like defining an extra function is_main for this purpose, you can just do:

if debug.getinfo(3) == nil then
    print("Main chunk!")
    print("Library chunk!")

if arg ~= nil and arg[0] == string.sub(debug.getinfo(1,'S').source,2) then
  print "Main file"
  print "Library"

An explanation:

  1. Lua calls a script from the interpreter with the arg table, with arg[0] being the name of the script.
  2. The debug.getinfo function returns a table of information describing the function at the level of the stack given by its numbered argument (1 refers to the function calling getinfo; 0 refers to getinfo itself). Its second parameter is optional: it specifies which subset of the getinfo fields to retrieve. The 'S' defines Source names.
  3. The source field of the table returned by getinfo for files contains the name of the file the function was defined in, prefixed with an @. By passing the value of that field to string.sub(...,2), we strip that @. (The short_src field contains the name without the @, but that's because it's defined as a "print-friendly" name, and is less safe than stripping source.)

Note that this code uses a debug function, so in 5.2 you'll have to require debug to be able to use it.

Maybe you can just deal with the debug library, with the debug.getinfo() function

if debug.getinfo(1).what == "main" then
    -- Main execution

See the reference manual for more information.

I'm using lua 5.3 and had issues with most of the suggestions here. This is what worked for my use case:

local my_module = {}
if os.getenv('CLI') then
  return my_module

When running from the command line I simple defined the environment variable such as:

CLI=1 lua my_script.lua

Works for me™



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