I've trying to get properly work kcaptcha class from kcaptcha.ru in my own component. 'Cause class not build for Joomla natively I break my brain on the wall.
And at the beginning... I've a url to image generated by this class like: http://.../index.php&task=captcha&format=raw In main controller I've put method
开发者_开发知识库function captcha() {
$session = &JSession::getInstance('default', array());
$captcha = new KCAPTCHA();
if ($session) {
$session->set('captcha_keystring', $captcha->getKeyString());
And I've see in browser
When I request an image from the class all working good but in my component I cannot set session variables.
Any ideas how to fix this problem?
And problem solved successfully.
For &format=raw in controller Joomla set default mime-type to text/html. For healing this issue developer must reset mime/type via setting
$document = &JFactory::getDocument();
mime/encoding off course depends on you needs.