I'm working on a Coldfusion project where I need to pull some information from a wordpress powered database. Some of the information that I need is in a serialized array stored in the wp_options table. I can't figure out how to deserialize the array data in Coldfusion.
I'm currently using the dev version of Coldfusion 8. I can't upgrade to Coldfusion 9 since my works application is build on Coldfusion 8
I've only been able to find this link http://www.cfinsider.com/index.cfm/2010/5/4/Serializing--Deserializing-in-ColdFusion-9 which talks about deserializing CFC's but it doesn't seem to work on the array I'm passing.
Here is an example of the data I'm trying to deserialze
Any help would be great.
Your best bet might be to check out Sean Corfield's scripting for ColdFusion project. I was able to do the following with it:
$array = unserialize('a:2:{i:2;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:0:"";s:6:"number";i:5;}s:12:"_multiwidget";i:1;}');
$_COLDFUSION["test"] = json_encode($array);
<cfdump var="#deserializeJSON(variables.test)#">
Which produced:
If you can serialize the PHP array into a JSON string, you can use deserializeJson on the CF side.
Well, that's a result of PHP serialization - I assume CF uses a completely different process. The schema seems pretty straightforward:
would mean "array of size 2 { integer 2 ; string 'foo' of size 3 }". Note that arrays can be nested, and things can get complicated with Objects and other serialized classes (see PHP's manual on serializing objects).