I tried following the instructions here link text to make a scala application. However when I run the "ant install" command I get the following error
aaptexec doesn't support the "basename" attribute
I read this is because of the new sdk 7 version here. However noone on that thread seems to offer any solution.
Has anyone tried to do this with the new sdk? Thanks in advance
You may take a look at Building Android apps in Scala with sbt, I found it is much easier to use SBT to build Scala/Andoird application than Eclipse.
You should also use https://github.com/steve918/android-plugin instead of the plug-in describe at the page if you want use latest Android SDK.
http://code.google.com/p/treeshaker/ may be what you're looking for.
It's a build step for Eclipse which, used together with Scala IDE, will enable you to use Scala on Android.
Solution found here to use the latest Android SDK, with Eclipse 3.7.2 and Scala 2.9 :
- It compiles under Android SDK 18
- It does not have the strange side-effects of Treeshaker like forgetting to include some classes.