Actually i am using OLE automation under Free Pascal , but some objects have properties which uses reserverd words as names, so i cannot compile the code.
check this sample
MyObj : OleVariant;
MyObj := CrealeOleObject('AObject');
MyObj.Descriptor := Param1;
MyObj.Type := Param2; //this line generates a error
this is the error
Std开发者_StackOverflow社区OleAux.pas(783,15) Fatal: Syntax error, "identifier" expected but "TYPE" found
so the question is how i can access this properties in FPC when they have a name which is a reserved word?
FPC 2.2.4
using {$MODE DELPHI}
You need version '2.5.1' of FPC, see the report "Allow Extended Identifiers in the Delphi mode" which has been resolved as fixed at 2010-03-22.