I have service class in external assembly, I inject this class in view model class with MEF. I need call service method every 3-4 seconds from view model.
I get from service new data as Dictionary. This Dictionary is bind to listbox in view. And I need refresh with this data listbox in view.
In my solution I use DispatcherTimer, but I am absolute begginer in calibur.micto also MVVM and WPF. I don’t know what is a suitable solution in my case. So if someone have advance I will be gratefull.
My solution is here:
[Export("MainScreen", typeof(IMainViewModel))]
public class MainViewModel : Screen, IMainViewModel
private Service _service;//import with MEF from external assembly
private Connection _conn;//import with MEF from external assembly
//this dictionary is bind to the listbox in view
private MyObservableDictionary<string, User> _users = null;
//temp dictionry
private MyObservableDictionary<string, User> _freshUsers = null;
private int _selectedUserIndex;
private DispatcherTimer _dispatcherTimer;
public Account Account{ get; set;}
public int SelectedUsersIndex
get { return _selectedUserIndex; }
_selectedUserIndex = value;
public MainViewModel()
_dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
_dispatcherTimer.Tick += DispatcherTimer_Tick;
_dispatcherTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
//I get every 3-4 sec from server new JSON data and I need update with this data listbox in view
private void DispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
//server ping, call service method
Account.Ping = _service.Ping(Account);
//Refresh data in dictionary
_freshUsers = _service.LoadUsers(Account);
SelectedUsersIndex = 1;
foreach (var freshUser in _freshUs开发者_如何学Cers)
//check if you have new messanges
if (Account.Ping.Rp > 0)
//load new messanges
for (int i = 0; i < Account.Ping.Rp; i++)
#region load rp
Rp message = _service.LoadRp(Account);
if (message != null)
//show messages
catch (Exception exception)
if (exception.Message == "You haven’t any messanged")
throw exception;// how handle show this exception in view?
The DispatcherTimer is running on your UI thread so while it is running your check your UI will probably freeze while the DispatcherTimer_Tick message runs. If the DispatcherTimer_Tick takes 2 seconds to run then every 3 seconds you freeze the UI for 2 seconds. Users won't like that.
All service calls should be done on a non-UI thread so that you don't lock up the UI so I'd suggest using a timer and doing something like this:
public MainViewModel()
_stTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(Timer_Tick,null,3000,3000);
_dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
private void Timer_Tick(object sender)
Account.Ping = _service.Ping(Account);
//Refresh data in dictionary
_freshUsers = _service.LoadUsers(Account);
SelectedUsersIndex = 1;
foreach (var freshUser in _freshUsers)
for(int i=0;i<Account.Ping.Rp; i++)
//check if you have new messanges
if (Account.Ping.Rp > 0)
Rp message = _service.LoadRp(Account);
Here we're using a system timer to check for changes on a different thread, so your UI will be unaffected by any processing. When we want to notify the UI that a change has occured we can use the _dispatcher (the UI dispatcher we create in the constructor) to "BeginInvoke" a method on the UI thread.
This will make your app appear faster. A good rule of thumb is to keep off the Dispatcher thread as much as possible; only use it when you're doing something with the UI. All other processing should be on a background thread.
Hope this helps