I have an IBAction with this code:
.h file:
AVCaptureDevice *device;
.m file:
- (IBAction)focusInfo {
if (device == nil) {
device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
NSLog(@"Camera focus point of interest: %d, %d", device.focusPointOfInterest.x, device.focusPointOfInterest.y);
This is conneted to button on CustomCameraOverlay. When I am pressing the button while moving the camera nothing changes. The console log is all the time the same:
Camera focus point of interest: 0, 1071644672
Why it is not changing while camera is changing focus? What I am doing wrong? I tried also to get property is开发者_开发知识库AdjustingFocus, but it is not changing as well.
I wanted to addObserwer for those properties, but stucked in here, observer won't work if value won't change.
is of type CGPoint
, which consists ofCGFloat
s. Try %f
instead of %d
It's better to use NSStringFromCGPoint
when logging CGPoint (or other CGxxx structs)
NSLog(@"Camera focus point of interest: %@",