I am trying to present two histograms, and I want each of them to be in a different color. lets say one red and one blue. so far I menaged the change the colors of both of them, but only to the same c开发者_StackOverflow社区olor.
this is the codeclose all
hold on
h = findobj(gca,'Type','patch');
%the last two lines changes the color of both hists.
The h
in your code contains the handle to two patch objects. Try to assign a color to each separately:
%# ...
h = findobj(gca, 'Type','patch');
set(h(1), 'FaceColor','r', 'EdgeColor','w')
set(h(2), 'FaceColor','b', 'EdgeColor','w')
One option is to call hist
on both vectors:
hist([x(:) y(:)], 100);
Another option is to assign the answer to an output argument:
[hx, binx] = hist(x, 100);
[hy, biny] = hist(y, 100);
And plot them in your favorite style/color.
In the MATLAB standard library, hist
uses the command bar
to do its plotting, but using bar
by itself gives you a lot more flexibility. Passing into bar
a matrix whose columns are each histogram's bin counts plots each of those histograms in a different color, which is exactly what you want. Here's some example code:
[xcounts,~] = hist(x,100);
[ycounts,~] = hist(y,100);
histmat = [reshape(xcounts,100,1) reshape(ycounts,100,1)];
bar(histmat, optionalWidthOfEachBarInPixelsForOverlap);
Documentation for bar
is here.