
SNMP trap not recognized by Manager

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-31 09:28 出处:网络
I\'m attempting to create a sample application utilizing Microsoft\'s WinSNMP library to create an example of a trap. See the code sample below:

I'm attempting to create a sample application utilizing Microsoft's WinSNMP library to create an example of a trap. See the code sample below:

   //Send a trap;
   LPSTR strSrcAddr = "";
   LPSTR strDstAddr = "";
   UINT32 nDstPort = 462;
   smiINT snmpPduType = SNMP_PDU_TRAP;

   HSNMP_VBL snmpVarBindList = SnmpCreateVbl(snmpSession, NULL, NULL);
   assert(snmpVarBindList != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //Copy the src address to src entity;
   HSNMP_ENTITY snmpSrcEntity = SnmpStrToEntity(snmpSession, st开发者_开发知识库rSrcAddr);
   assert(snmpSrcEntity != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //Copy the dst address to dst entity;
   HSNMP_ENTITY snmpDstEntity = SnmpStrToEntity(snmpSession, strDstAddr);
   assert(snmpDstEntity != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //Assign the dst entity the trap port;
   snmpStatus = SnmpSetPort(snmpDstEntity, nDstPort);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //Create the pdu, assigning it the TRAP_TYPE;
   HSNMP_PDU snmpPdu = SnmpCreatePdu(snmpSession, snmpPduType, NULL, NULL, NULL, snmpVarBindList);
   assert(snmpPdu != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //Send the msg;
   smiBYTE pByteData[] = "public\0";
   smiOCTETS snmpCtxOctects = {6, (smiLPBYTE)pByteData};

   HSNMP_CONTEXT snmpCtxt = SnmpStrToContext(snmpSession, &snmpCtxOctects);
   assert(snmpCtxt != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   // Create the PDU and set Data;

   //-- Set the sysUpTime;
   CHAR pOidSysUpTimeArray[] = "\0";

   smiOID snmpOidSysUpTime = {0};
   snmpStatus = SnmpStrToOid(pOidSysUpTimeArray, &snmpOidSysUpTime);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   smiVALUE smiValueSysUpTime = {0};
   smiValueSysUpTime.syntax = SNMP_SYNTAX_TIMETICKS;
   smiValueSysUpTime.value.uNumber = 40000; //Random up-time;

   snmpStatus = SnmpSetVb(snmpVarBindList, 0, &snmpOidSysUpTime, &smiValueSysUpTime);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //-- Now set the snmpTrapOid;
   CHAR pOidSnmpTrapOid[] = "\0";
   CHAR pOidSnmpOidOfEntTrap[] = "\0";

   smiOID snmpOidOfEntTrap = {0};
   smiOID snmpOidTrapOid = {0};

   snmpStatus = SnmpStrToOid(pOidSnmpTrapOid, &snmpOidTrapOid);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpStrToOid(pOidSnmpOidOfEntTrap, &snmpOidOfEntTrap);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   smiVALUE smiValueEntTrap = {0};
   smiValueEntTrap.syntax = SNMP_SYNTAX_OID;
   smiValueEntTrap.value.oid = snmpOidOfEntTrap;

   snmpStatus = SnmpSetVb(snmpVarBindList, 0, &snmpOidTrapOid, &smiValueEntTrap);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   //-- Now add Vb for
   CHAR pOidSnmpTrapValueOid[] = "\0";

   smiOID snmpOidTrapValueOid = {0};
   snmpStatus = SnmpStrToOid(pOidSnmpTrapValueOid, &snmpOidTrapValueOid);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   smiVALUE smiValueTrapValue = {0};
   smiValueTrapValue.syntax = SNMP_SYNTAX_INT;
   smiValueTrapValue.value.sNumber = 2;   //failure;

   snmpStatus = SnmpSetVb(snmpVarBindList, 0, &snmpOidTrapValueOid, &smiValueTrapValue);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   // Finished PDU creation;

   //Attempt to send the message;
   snmpStatus = SnmpSendMsg(snmpSession, snmpSrcEntity, snmpDstEntity, snmpCtxt, snmpPdu);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreePdu(snmpPdu);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);   

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreeVbl(snmpVarBindList);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OID, (smiLPOPAQUE)&snmpOidSysUpTime);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OID, (smiLPOPAQUE)&snmpOidTrapOid);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OID, (smiLPOPAQUE)&smiValueEntTrap.value.oid);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreeEntity(snmpSrcEntity);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

   snmpStatus = SnmpFreeEntity(snmpDstEntity);
   assert(snmpStatus != SNMPAPI_FAILURE);

I can see that the trap is hitting the wire and is being received but unfortunately the SNMP manager is not notifying me of the trap. I have a good feeling the problem is with the formation of the trap my side on not a problem with the manager (SNMPc manager)?

This is the custom MIB that I have created with a dummy OID:


                FROM RFC1155-SMI
                FROM RFC-1212

epilogue        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 37086}
marina          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {epilogue 1}
marinaNotices   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {epilogue 2}

marinaStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                    ok (1),
              failure (2) 
  MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
  STATUS  current
          "The status of marina."
  ::= {marina 1}

marinaStatusNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
  OBJECTS     { marinaStatus }
  STATUS  current
          "This variable notifies listeners of the status of marina."
  ::= {marinaNotices 1}


In addition, I have a link to the Wireshark dump of a capture of the Trap.

SNMPc Manager does allow me to send dummy traps using a little tool; however, these traps are SNMPv2 and WinSNMP is using v1, so it is difficult for me to compare. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

As Lex Li proposed, I'm adding my answer:

The traps should be sent to port no 162



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