Example I have 100 fields of form. Each field will have error session. When form successfully submitted, I want unset any session which word begin with $_SESSION['submit_']
First I can do like
But too long.
If I do like
Then will kill my log in session
Possible to unset the session word begin with [submit_']
Let me know :)
You can do something like this:
foreach($_SESSION as $key=>$value)
if (strpos($key, 'submit_') === 0)
Or you can rearrange your $_SESSION variable like this:
Not sure if you can use wildcards, but you can list them out in one command if that helps you... Like so:
unset($_SESSION['submit_last_name'], $_SESSION['submit_status'], $_SESSION['submit_mobile'], etc...);
But I'm not sure if that gets you anywhere... At least it's not on multiple lines. I will research using wildcards, but you can Google as well as I can :)