is it possible, to combine some "String"-statements in one MySQL-Query, like in the following example?
I created some database with tables for the various standard types like "Int", "Double" and so on. So the tables names are "Standard_Int", "Standard_Double" etc.. In addition there are some other tables like "Key_Names", "Main" and so on.
To get more specific, I want to create some query like the following:
insert i开发者_高级运维nto ... (tables name)
"Standard_" + ... (tables name)
select table from Key_Names where
→ Standard_Text
→ Standard_Double
→ Standard_Int
In other words: I need some statement combining two strings.
Thanks for your help, Korbi
You can try to use the CONCAT
I would agree with the first comment, use the CONCAT function in your select statement...
SELECT CONCAT(TableA.attribute1, TableA.attribute2)
FROM TableA...