My question is not so hard, i th开发者_开发知识库ink. But it does not change the fact that i dont know how to do it :) Anyway, how can i use yui calendar object in my wicket page? i have tried some codes in java codes, but i got some errors, so i need your precious help. Thanks.
Its is as simple as this:
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.DateTextField;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker;
DateTextField df = new DateTextField('wicketID', dateModel, "");
df.add(new DatePicker());
Basicaly, you construct a normal DateTextField and add the YUI Picker to it. thats about all.
Edit: to answer the questions in the comments:
user500129: are you using maven as build tool? i strongly suggest it to you. if you do, you find the yoi components in the wicket-datetime artefact. The relevant maven dependency is:
If you are not using maven, you can download the jar from the maven repository, for wicket.14.14 this would be the correct link:
hope that helps