I am using WAS6.1 as the server(but I guess this should not matter).I have a filters.properties file. It has key value pair (e.g. config.file.name=/usr/home/config.xml). These values are being used in web.xml as shown below:
So I have defined a build.xml which uses filterset task from ant to define all those filters but when I try to access the home page it says that not able to find location @config.file.name@. Obviously, these filters are not being loaded properly. Here is my build.xml code which defines the filters during the compilation. What do you think I am missing?
<target name="compile">
<property name="compile.target" location="${project.build.dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
<property name="project.build.dir.lib" location="${project.build.dir}/WEB-INF/lib" />
<mkdir dir="${compile.target}" />
<mkdir dir="${project.build.dir.lib}" />
<!-- copy the web content into the build location -->
<copy todir="${project.build.dir}">
<fileset dir="${web.project.webcontent.dir}" excludes="**/classes/**" />
<filtersfile file="${web.project.src.dir}/filters/${file.filter.name}" />
<!-- compile the java source and put it in the classes directory -->
<javac classpathref="classpath"开发者_运维技巧 srcdir="${web.project.src.dir}" destdir="${compile.target}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" fork="${javac.fork}" memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memoryMaximumSize}" nowarn="${javac.nowarn}" failonerror="${javac.failonerror}">
<!-- copy all the non-java resources (properties, etc) into the classes directory-->
<copy todir="${compile.target}">
<fileset dir="${web.project.src.dir}">
<exclude name="**/*.java" />
<exclude name="filters/**" />
<!-- Create a jar file from the ${compile.target} folder -->
<jar jarfile="${project.build.dir.lib}/${ant.jar.file}.jar" excludes="filters/**" basedir="${compile.target}" />
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Thanks for looking at my post. It is working fine. The main issue was that the path to the properties file was not correct.