I am developing a groovy application and I am having problems when showing a Date fi开发者_运维百科eld.
If I use the following notation:
<g:formatDate format="dd.MM.yyyy" date="${fieldValue(bean: incidentTicketSLAInstance, field: "erstellungsDatum")}"/>
I am getting the actual date instead of what is saved at the DB.
When I use this notation it works properly.
<g:formatDate format="dd.MM.yyyy" date="${incidentTicketSLAInstance?.erstellungsDatum}" />
am I doing something wrong here? Are not both notations equivalent? (BTW, the instance DO exists and erstellungsDatum is NOT null)
Thanks in advance,
the fieldValue call will return a String, not a Date object, which the makes formatDate not work correctly
You have to use the second notation (as you spotted)