i need to get 3 views for an iphone App. Each view should contain several icons . when i swipe the first view it should take me to the se开发者_JAVA技巧cond view(which also has several icons). see the below image to get an idea.
at the bottom it has 3 dots which tells the user that there are 3 screens to swipe. what is this called. This is just like the our normal apps in the iphone. when i swipe it should take me to the next screen with different icons.
i was not able to figure out what kind of view controller it is and how to implement it. i just need some idea.
Thank you.
Can be pretty simply done by Interface Builder.
Create 3 Views
The Icons can be implemented by Round Rect Buttons
The "Dots" are a "Page Control"
Set the IBOutlets and delegates and you are done
First, read the iOS Human Interface Guidelines
The 3 dots are UIPageControl
Icon grid is not in standard control... You can see the three20 project to do this (but before using a 3rd part resource, try to do manually)