I have a base color, presented by basic [R G B] matrix.
And I want to create a lighter or darker version of that color, based on my constant, which is basically an angle (0 - 90°).
And I looking for an algorithm, how to create lighter or darker color based on that angle.
The endpoint for a lighter color is white 开发者_运维问答and for a darker color is black.
silly example:
Green -> Lime -> White
Blue -> Navy -> Black
function [result] = GetColor(baseColor, angleValue)
value = round(angleValue);
endcolor = [1 1 1];
r = linspace(basecolor(1,1), endcolor(1,1), 90);
g = linspace(basecolor(1,2), endcolor(1,2), 90);
b = linspace(basecolor(1,3), endcolor(1,3), 90);
result = [r(value) g(value) b(value)];
What it the lightest/darkest you want your color? Define your end points [r1 g1 b1]
, [r2 g2 b2]
that will correspond to 0 and 90. Then use:
colormap = [linspace(r1, r2, 91)' linspace(g1, g2, 91)' linspace(b1, b2, 91)']
to define a set of 91 colors, and pick the color corresponding to the angle.
You can easily use Java for this, as follows:
jColor = java.awt.Color(0.12,0.34,0.67); % R,G,B fractions of 255 = [31,87,171]
lightColor = jColor.brighter.getRGBComponents([])'*255; % => [44,124,244,255] (4th component is alpha transparency)
darkColor = jColor.darker.getRGBComponents([])'*255; % => [21,60,119,255]
Java has other supporting functions/classes that you can seamlessly use in Matlab, as in the above example.