I've configureg AspectJ with Spring and it works fine when "catching" public methods called from out of the class. Now I want do something like this:
public class SomeLogic(){
public boolean someMethod(boolean test){
return innerA();
} else {
return innerB();
private boolean innerA() {// some logic}
private boolean innerA() {// some other logic}
SomeLogic is a SpringBean. The methods innerA() and innerB() could be declared as private or public - the method someMethod() is called from a Struts action. Is it possible to catch with AspectJ the methods innerA() or innerB() called from someMethod() ?
My config (XML based):
<aop:aspect id="innerAAspect" ref="INNER_A">
<aop:pointcut id="innerAService" expression="execution(* some.package.SomeLogic.innerA(..))"/>
<aop:aspect id="innerAAround" ref="INNER_A">
<aop:around pointcut-ref="innerAService" method="proceed"/>
<aop:aspect id="innerBAspect" ref="INNER_B">
<aop:pointcut id="innerBService" expression="execution(* some.package.SomeLogic.innerB(..))"/>
<aop:aspect id="innerBAround" ref="INNER_B">
<aop:开发者_运维百科around pointcut-ref="innerBService" method="proceed"/>
Yes it is easy to catch private methods with AspectJ.
An example that prints a sentence before all private methods:
@Pointcut("execution(private * *(..))")
public void anyPrivateMethod() {}
public void beforePrivateMethod(JoinPoint jp) {
System.out.println("Before a private method...");
If you are familiar with Eclipse, I recommend to develop AspectJ with STS or only install the AJDT plugin.
More information about Spring AOP capabilities can be found in the Spring reference documentation here.