I solved my issue here.
I had forgotten about the following:
<beans:bean id="authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint" class="org.springframework.security.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint">
<beans:property name="loginFormUrl" value="/index.jsp" />
<beans:property name="forceHttps" value="false" />
As you can see from above I do have /index.jsp and that is where it is trying to go.
The other issue is the following line
<concurrent-session-control max-sessions="1" exception-if-maximum-exceeded="true"/>
So this tells me to throw and exception.
So in the end - everything appears to be working as expected.
Original Post:
As the subject states I have the following configuration:
<beans:bean id="authenticationProcessingFilter" class="org.springframework.security.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilter">
<custom-filter position="AUTHENTICATION_PROCESSING_FILTER" />
<beans:property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/admin/adminLandin开发者_运维知识库g.html"/>
<beans:property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
<beans:property name="authenticationFailureUrl" value="/login.jsp?login_error=1"/>
<beans:property name="allowSessionCreation" value="true" />
<beans:property name="targetUrlResolver" ref="roleBasedTargetUrlResolver" />
My expectation is that when a authentication fails or has expired that it would make use of the setting for authenticationFailureURL. But what I get is the following error in my log:
The requested resource (/ecotrak/index.jsp) is not available.
I do not understand why it is looking for index.jsp when I have given /login.jsp?login_error=1 as the value.
Any direction it this?