I found this error in Ruby console while I am testing a Rails application.
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib /mongrel.rb:285:
in `run': Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interpreter
So I guess I have to patch or re-install RubyCocoa. But I don't found any content to do this. or you may have the better way to solve this?
This is my environment:
- ruby 1.8.开发者_如何转开发7
- Rails 2.3.3
- Mac OSX 10.6
Quick hack:
$ RUBYCOCOA_THREAD_HOOK_DISABLE=1 ./script/server --debugger
Different quick hack:
$ echo "ENV['RUBYCOCOA_THREAD_HOOK_DISABLE']='1'" > config/initializers/disable_rubycocoa_warning.rb
As Matthew points out in his answer, it may be a plug-in that is causing this. He found that attachment_fu is one cause. (It can use Core Image for its image processing.) Creating a file in config/initializers
(for a Rails application) with this line will silence the warning, at the expense of requiring one of the other image processors:
This isn't a problem for me; I deploy to non-Mac servers, and since those can't use CoreImage, I want to run the same thing during development anyway.
If you look at /System/Library/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ruby/osx/
, this is at the bottom of the file:
class Thread
class << self
alias :pre_rubycocoa_new :new
# Override Thread.new to prevent threads being created if there isn't
# runtime support for it
def new(*args,&block)
unless defined? @_rubycocoa_threads_allowed then
# If user has explicilty disabled thread support, also disable the
# check (for debugging/testing only)
@_rubycocoa_threads_allowed = ENV['RUBYCOCOA_THREAD_HOOK_DISABLE'] ||
if !@_rubycocoa_threads_allowed then
warn "#{caller[0]}: Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interpreter"
So for starters, we get a warning, but then it proceeds to call the original Thread.new
anyway. I don't believe this warning is a real problem. It's just annoying to see it constantly in the console.
If you want to track down what's pulling in the monkey patch to Thread
, grep for something that pulls in osx/cocoa
$ irb
>> Thread.new { puts 'hi' }
hi=> #<Thread:0x1011328e0 run>
>> require 'osx/cocoa'
=> true
>> Thread.new { puts 'hi' }
(irb):3:in `irb_binding': Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interpreter
hi=> #<Thread:0x103bf76e8 run>
It is probably not mongrel that is pulling it in but some plugin in your rails application. For me attachment_fu was the culprit