Today, i tried to update the Android tools i use on Eclipse to version 8.0 and the Android SDK to version 2.3. This caused a loss of adb from tools directory. I managed to retrieve it again and put it back. Then, i searched the forum and found this, that eventually helped me to solved it, by updating the Eclipse first.
So, why is there no warning of proceeding to Android tools update, without updating the Eclipse first, can cause this kind of troubles?
It could have sa开发者_如何学Cved some time...
Not to offend anyone, I concur with Niko.
If it was mentioned that Eclipse ADT plugin MUST be updated as adb has been moved - it would have saved some pain.
I have installed these things since Mr Android was born, and I had trouble myself. I go to forums to seek solutions, when I have read the docs and they did not help, and probably whine a bit, coz I'm sure more people are facing this issue. :)
I have a step by step process here:
Thanks, Shesh
Please have a look at the docs. The /tools folder has been moved to /platform-tools. You need to add this new location to your (class)path ...
Regards Harald