
AVPlayer does not retain AVPlayerItem

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-29 01:19 出处:网络
Does somebody know why this code is crashing somewhere in the release pool (after \'eject\' is called)?

Does somebody know why this code is crashing somewhere in the release pool (after 'eject' is called)? I saw in AVPlayer class reference that the 'currentItem' property is NOT declared as 'retain' http://develo开发者_如何转开发per.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AVFoundation/Reference/AVPlayer_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009530-CH1-SW21

Is it a bug in the AVPlayer class or should I retain it somewhere else?


- (void) viewDidLoad {
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://devimages.apple.com/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8"];
    playerItem = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithURL:url];
    player = [[AVPlayer alloc] initWithPlayerItem:playerItem];

- (IBAction) eject {
    [player release];
    [playerItem release];

I typically use this to setup a player:

if (!self.player) {
    player = [[AVPlayer alloc] init];

    [self.player replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:[AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL:videoURL]];

I believe that AVPlayer retains AVPlayerItem in initWithPlayerItem: function, so you are possibly leaking memory with your AVPlayerItem. "currentItem" is readonly property and should not be "retain" which is only for writable properties.



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