I want to read the first lines of 2 separate files and then compare them...the following is the code i use but it gives me "istream to string error". do i need to use a while condition to start reading the files first?
ifstream data_real(filename.c_str()); /*input streams to check if the flight info
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ifstream data_test("output_check.txt");
string read1, read2;
string first_line_input = getline(is,read1);
string first_line_output_test = getline(data_test,read2);
string test_string1, test_string2;
int num_lines_output_test, num_lines_input;
while(!data_test.eof()) // count the number of lines for the output test file with the first flight info
while(getline(is,test_string2)) // count the number of lines for the output test file with the first flight info
getline(istream, string)
returns a reference to the istream, not a string.
So, comparing the first line of each file could be something like:
string read1, read2;
if !(getline(is,read1) && getline(data_test,read2)){
// Reading failed
// TODO: Handle and/or report error
if(read1.substr(0,3) == read2.substr(0,3)){
Also: Never use eof() as a termination condition for a stream reading loop. The idiomatic way to write it is:
while(getline(data_test,test_string1)) // count the number of lines for the output test file with the first flight info
Try adding this helper function:
std::string next_line(std::istream& is) {
std::string result;
if (!std::getline(is, result)) {
throw std::ios::failure("Failed to read a required line");
return result;
Now you can use lines from the file the way you want (i.e. to initialize strings, rather than modify them):
string first_line_input = next_line(is);
string first_line_output_test = next_line(data_test);