What's the easiest way to check to see if a number is in a comma delimited list?
//returns: Object { name="visa", validLength="16,13", prefixRegExp=}
if (ccLength == 0 || (cardType >开发者_如何学Go 0 && ccLength < provider[cardType].validLength)) {
triggerNotification('x', 'Your credit card number isn\'t long enough');
return false;
} else {
if ($('.credit-card input[name="cc_cvv"]').val().length < 3) {
triggerNotification('x', 'You must provide a CCV');
return false;
Seems similar to this SO question.
Just .split() the CSV and use inArray.
Not sure how your sample code relates to checking to see if a number is in a comma delimited list...
Also not sure if this is the easiest way, but it's what springs to mind:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myNumbers = "1,2,3,4,5";
var myArray = myNumbers.split( ',' );
// looking for "4"
for ( var i=0; i<myArray.length; i++ ) {
if (myArray[i] == 4) {
alert('Found it!');
I do not see where you have a significant comma delimited list in the script you posted. The fastest way could be something like
var csvList ="a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h";
var testList = ","+csvList+",";
var needle = "f";
just to be different ;)
If it's just a list of comma separated numbers with nothing fancy, you can just use the split
var numbers = list.split(",");
This will give you an array of all of the numbers in the list. Checking whether a number is in an array is trivial.
Native JavaScript and therefore cross-browser compliant. Some frameworks provide functions that do this for you, but you don't get more basic than the following.
var numbers = list.split(",");
var count = numbers.length;
var exists = false;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (numbers[i] == anumber) {
exists = true;
From your sample, I assume your question was "How do I see if a number is within a range of two values specified by a single-comma-delimited string?":
function inRange( number, stringRange ){
var minmax = stringRange.split(',');
minmax[0] = minmax[0]*1; //convert to number
minmax[1] = minmax[1]*1; //convert to number
minmax.sort(); // Ensure [0] is the min
return number>=minmax[0] && number<=minmax[1];
Try this one...
console.log(provider[cardType]); //returns: Object { name="visa", validLength="16,13", prefixRegExp=}
var regExp = new RegExp(",?" + ccLength + ",?");
if (ccLength == 0 || (cardType > 0 && !regExp.test(provider[cardType].validLength)))
triggerNotification('x', 'Your credit card number isn\'t long enough');
return false;
if ($('.credit-card input[name="cc_cvv"]').val().length < 3)
triggerNotification('x', 'You must provide a CCV');
return false;